
Sewage Seeps into California Beach City from Mexico

March 20, 2024

As news continues to mount over an increase in problems, a recent article from CBS News highlights the continuing issue of contaminated sewage sludge getting into waterways and cropland, ultimately finding its way into food and drink. This sewage sludge can contain PFAS, also known as "forever chemicals" and can present health risks to people if consumed. The use of a multiple hearth furnace can be an effective tool for removing.

The article states: "Over the last five years, over 100 billion gallons of untreated sewage have flowed through Mexico's Tijuana River and into the Pacific Ocean at the shores of the seaside town, contaminating the air, water, and soil and posing environmental and public health hazards. '

In addition: "Dangerous pathogens and chemicals in contaminated waters pose a spectrum of short and long-term health risks, spanning gastrointestinal issues to neurological disorders," according to the SDSU report.

Read the full article.

Texas Farmers Claim Company Sold them PFAS-Contaminated Sludge

March 2, 2024

In our continued monitoring of PFAS making its way into sewage sludge, there is news out of Texas in which farmers claim that a waste management company supplied them with sludge that was contaminated by PFAS. As a result, there is a federal lawsuit against the waste management company. We've written before about the problem of PFAS being found in sewage sludge and how a multiple-hearth furnace can be an effective tool for removing PFAS from sewage sludge.

The article from The Guardian states: "A Texas county has launched a first-of-its-kind criminal investigation into the waste management giant Synagro over PFAS-contaminated sewage sludge it is selling to Texas farmers as a cheap alternative to fertilizer."

Read full article here.

CBS News: Fish contaminated with "forever chemicals" found in nearly every state

May 15, 2023

From CBS News - "Fish Contaminated with 'Forever Chemicals' Found in Nearly Every State" - See the Video

PFAS, also known as "forever chemcials" have been of growing concern as they are being found in food and water around the country. 

PFAS are a group of manmade chemicals that don’t break down and can have an adverse health effects on people and animals. Used commonly in products since the 1950s, PFAS can be found in many items including food packaging, commercial household products, clothing, and more. They are considered useful in manufacturing because they are resistant to wear, heat, and oil – prolonging the life of the product. However, once disposed of, if not removed, they find their way back into the environment. Learn more about removing PFAS.

EPA Webinar - Everything you wanted to know about PFAS but were afraid to ask: From the operators’ perspective

April 4, 2023

The EPA is hosting a free webinar - Everything you wanted to know about PFAS but were afraid to ask: From the operators’ perspective. 

When: Wednesday April 12 at 1pm EST

About the Webinar:

In this webinar, Jamie Hope from the Florida Rural Water Association will examine emerging contaminants, PFAS and PFOA, and discuss what they are including uses, properties, environmental impacts, and potential treatment methods for wastewater and drinking water. The learning objectives of this webinar are to understand the complexity and impacts of Emerging Contaminants and UCMR 5 testing requirements. Participants will learn to identify the sources of Emerging Contaminants and how they were developed and subsequently released into the environment. Jamie will also identify potential treatment options for facilities including Activated Carbon, Ion Exchange Resin (IX), Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Nanofiltration (NF), Advanced Oxidation, and Biosolids Removal.

View Webinar Flyer

Register for the Webinar

Maine Wastewater Treatment Plants Struggling to Dispose of Sludge

March 7, 2023

According to the article, "Crisis building at Kennebec County wastewater treatment plants" by Jessica Lowell of the Kennebec Journal as featured on, wastewater treatment plants across Maine are struggling with the disposal of sludge after recent state regulations have changed how biosolids can be handled.

These bills were primarily put into place because of the amounts of PFAS "forever" chemicals found to be contaminating soil and water.  As a result, sludge can no longer be used in land applications and must be disposed of in another way to help prevent PFAS contamination.

These new regulations are taking a toll on wastewater treatment plants who are struggling to eliminate biosolids and are finding the need to have it hauled away to landfills at a high cost.

Read the full article.

Incineration can be used in the elimination of PFAS in biosolids. Both Multiple Hearth Furnaces and Fluidized Bed Incinerators can get up to temperatures high enough to remove PFAS from waste.

Testing Found PFAS in Top Smoothie Company Drink

February 27, 2023

According to an article published in The Guardian, "Top US smoothie company accused of deception after toxic PFAS discovered" by Tom Perkins, PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) were found in the Green Goodness smoothie made by Bolthouse Farms. The company claims that the smoothie is made from 100% fruit juice, but after testing, PFAS were found within the drink.

Perkins writes, "PFAS researchers who reviewed the case told the Guardian the chemicals may have been in the fruit. Fruit could be contaminated from pesticides, water, or the use of PFAS-tainted sewage sludge as fertilizer."

Read the entire article.

Sewage sludge used as fertilizer has become increasingly problematic as PFAS are being found in the soil and in turn contaminate the crops. The EPA continues to evaluate the situation and tighten regulations around PFAS removal. 

Incineration by way of Multiple Hearth Furnaces and Fluidized Bed Incinerators can be an effective method to remove PFAS. While adjustments may be needed to reach the necessary temperatures for PFAS elimination, this would be less costly than new equipment and more effective than other methods.

PFAS Forever Chemicals Found Near Moody Landfill near Birmingham AL

February 20, 2023

According to a recent news story from ABC News 33/40 in Birmingham AL, "Environmental organization says 'forever chemicals' detected near Moody landfill", high levels of PFAS have been found in the nearby Cahaba River. The Cahaba River is a source of drinking water for thousands who live in the Birmingham area. 

The Cahaba Riverkeeper has expressed frustration at the response from the Alabama Department of Environmental Management which they feel has not done an adequate job of testing of the chemicals. 

According to the article, water testing performed by the Cahaba Riverkeeper, "said the results it found at the landfill were alarming and many of the substances are linked to adverse health impacts."

Read the full article.

PFAS "forever" chemicals continue to be a problem as they are found in soil and water across the United States. PFAS can be removed by waste treatment facilities through incineration using appropriate temperatures. Multiple Hearth Furnaces and Fluidized Bed Incinerators can get to temperatures high enough for removal.

Recent EPA Report - PFAS Continue to be Found in Biosolids

January 20, 2023

According to an EPA Report released in December 2022 - the Biosolids Biennial Report No.9 (Reporting Period 2020-2021) - PFAS continue to be found in biosolids / sewage sludge, a product of the wastewater treatment process. The report states that 13 new chemicals were found in biosolids, 3 of which are PFAS.

According to the report, "In early 2023, EPA is holding a Science Advisory Board (SAB) meeting to review a three-step process to assess the risk of pollutants in biosolids." The EPA has already begun to tighten restrictions around PFAS.

Incineration by way of a Multiple Hearth Furnace or Fluidized Bed Incinerator can be a source for removing PFAS from sewage sludge. An upgrade may need to be made to this equipment to reach the temperature necessary to remove PFAS.

New York Regulation on Sewage Sludge Contaminated with PFAS

December 20, 2022

According to a recent article from, "NY regulators take ‘see-no-evil’ stance on evidence sewage sludge and effluent is contaminated with PFAS" by Peter Mantius, New York dairy farmers are having to dispose of contaminated milk due PFAS found in the soil and hay that cows use and eat due to the spreading of sludge on fields.

According to the article, "More than 600 plants discharge the effluent into the state’s public waterways, and their residual human waste sludge is often spread on crop fields or mixed with compost — never with any check for PFAS."

Other states, such as Maine, that are experiencing the same issues have proposed bills to ban field spreading of sludge to counter this problem. New York representatives are starting to take notice and are proposing legislation that would add requirements for waste water treatment plants to test for PFAS.

According to the article, "New York’s 612 POTWs (publicly-owned wastewater plants)... generated a total of 374,110 dry tons of leftover sewage sludge or biosolids. More than two-thirds of that sludge was sent to landfills (68 percent), while 16 percent was incinerated."

Read the entire article.

EPA regulations around PFAS removal are likely to tighten in the coming years. There is an opportunity to incinerate more of this waste and remove PFAS. If needed Multiple Hearth Furnaces can be adjusted to reach temperatures that will remove PFAS in sludge.

US Justice Department sues Idaho city over water pollution

November 2, 2022

"The federal government is suing a small Idaho town near Grand Teton National Park for dumping toxic waste from its sewage treatment plant into a stream that feeds several scenic rivers in the region.

The lawsuit from the U.S. Department of Justice was filed in Idaho's U.S. District Court on Monday. The federal government contends the city of Driggs violated the Clean Water Act by dumping effluent with too much e. coli and ammonia or otherwise violated wastewater permit rules more than 2,600 times over the last seven years."

Read full article



InsideEPA: EPA Pledges To Preserve Biosolids Disposal Options In Face Of PFAS Fears

October 20, 2022

From Inside PFAS Policy - October 11, 2022

EPA water chief Radhika Fox says EPA is facing a “frontier issue” as it grapples with addressing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in biosolids but is pledging to work with key groups to preserve the three management methods -- land application, incineration and landfilling -- that wastewater treatment facilities currently use to dispose of biosolids while also protecting public health.

“I will certainly say the issue of biosolids and PFAS is an absolute frontier issue,” Fox said Oct. 11 during WEFTEC 2022, the annual conference of the Water Environment Federation (WEF). Her remarks were livestreamed from New Orleans, LA.

Read the full article

IFCO Successfully Concludes 2nd Round of Aluminum Testing in Multiple Hearth Furnace

December 7, 2021

Last month, Industrial Furnace Company successfully concluded its second round of aluminum testing in our test Multiple Hearth Furnace at our Rochester, NY facility.

This testing had excellent high yield results with the delacquering of high aluminum scrap. An added bonus found was the successful recycling of aluminum found in papers and beverage containers.  

Industrial Furnace Company is happy to share this exciting news on the newest application of Multiple Hearth Furnaces for recycling aluminum.  IFCO already had a Patent for this aluminum recycling process and is eager to market the technology on a global scale. 

Contact us for more information.


Industrial Furnace Company Adds Industrial Lab

November 30, 2021

Industrial Furnace Company has added an industrial lab that supports our in-house pilot Multiple Hearth Furnace. The new lab allows “real-time” optimization of product testing through our pilot furnace and is in accordance with ASTM Procedures. Contact us with any questions or for more information.


IFCO approved for MACT Training in Georgia

April 19, 2021

The Georgia State Board of Examiners for Certification of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators and Laboratory Analysts has voted to approve IFCO's "Sewer Sludge Incinerator MACT refresher training" course for continuing education.  Anyone who completes this training course will received (4) CEU Credits.  


Did you know? IFCO now provides online remote MACT Training

March 27, 2021

This past month, IFCO successfully completed our first remote Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) Training to Sewage Sludge Operators as required in 40 CFR part 60.5130.  Due to the pandemic, the training was provided online.  IFCO can now provide MACT training services in person or remote.